Disney has, in their right minds entrusted their Alice in Wonderland project to the imaginative and capable Tim Burton. The film is actually to be a sequel to the Alice book we read when we were younger and will star some of Burton's usuals-like Johnny Depp, Helena Bonham Carter and Crispin Glover. Ooh I can't wait! The film is now in edit and we have to wait until March 2010 to see it.
Lewis Carroll's tale has stretched the imagination of artists and designers everywhere. In preparation for the film I am so anticipating, I am searching for those artists that use the book as a muse.
In Tokyo, a gym has taken on the fantastical vision and created a climbing wall full of picture frames, deer antlers and flower pots.
And this tea party-inspired lamp is available at Anthropologie ($195).
As the film's release date creeps closer and the minds of the artists are stretched beyond, I am sure there will be more fabulous creations to ogle over.