20 May 2011

The End is Near

Finally our government is taking the threat of a Zombie Invasion seriously. The CDC website posted a Zombie Survival plan Wednesday. It, of course, causied the site to crash with citizens clicking like crazy, needing to know what to do when the undead shuffle up their driveway.

We are comforted in knowing that "if zombies did start roaming the streets, CDC would conduct an investigation much like any other disease outbreak. CDC would provide technical assistance to cities, states, or international partners dealing with a zombie infestation." 
That's a direct quote from their website

15 May 2011

Sea and See

To promote awareness of the diminishing reef, an underwater Sculpture Museum was built in the waters of Cancun. More than 400 human clay sculptures adorn the sea floor near the Manchones Reef.
By luring divers to this area, it will give the reef time to recuperate from hurricane damage, increase fish populations and promote the growth of new reef.
Digg! My Zimbio