11 August 2011

Skullful Art

Alastair Mackie is yet another London artist to use taxidermy in the most fascinating art. This "painting is actually comprised of Hornets pinned in tight rows (see right).
This orb is made from mouse skulls digested by barn owls.

Any indigestible parts of an owl's prey is regurgitated as a compressed pellet. From these pellets, the skulls are extracted and a sculpture is born.

06 July 2011

Fluorescent Flava

My ideas come to me as fireflies, usually when I'm on the brink of falling asleep, causing me to flit up and find a pen and scribble in the dark what I think of as brilliance. The ideas in the notebook I wake up to are a tangled string of electrifying fairy lights.

The lightning strike of thought, the flash of blinding color is something I am playing with when I think of home design accents in my room. A fluorescent flavor adds a punch that could land an upper cut of stimulus that wakes up the synapses in my brain with a jolt.

These clocks add just enough pop to electrify the brain stream in the office.
And when caffeine alone just cant keep those eyelids open, I pour it in a super bright pantene mug.
Working too hard dulls everything, so I keep the brain cells radiant by taking a break and putting my feet up on a coffee table that practically glows in the dark.

Adding a vivid touch to the office helps keep me motivated and wanting to burst out more ideas. 

20 May 2011

The End is Near

Finally our government is taking the threat of a Zombie Invasion seriously. The CDC website posted a Zombie Survival plan Wednesday. It, of course, causied the site to crash with citizens clicking like crazy, needing to know what to do when the undead shuffle up their driveway.

We are comforted in knowing that "if zombies did start roaming the streets, CDC would conduct an investigation much like any other disease outbreak. CDC would provide technical assistance to cities, states, or international partners dealing with a zombie infestation." 
That's a direct quote from their website

15 May 2011

Sea and See

To promote awareness of the diminishing reef, an underwater Sculpture Museum was built in the waters of Cancun. More than 400 human clay sculptures adorn the sea floor near the Manchones Reef.
By luring divers to this area, it will give the reef time to recuperate from hurricane damage, increase fish populations and promote the growth of new reef.

26 April 2011

Art and Superheroes

Kids as superheroes- their imaginations the backdrop.
Nature against the urban world.

The work is by Los Angeles-based Artist Sage Vaughn who is opening a solo show in London at Lazarides Gallery titled Children of a Lesser God on May 6, 2011.

03 March 2011

White (Natural) History Month

Albino animals from Museums of Natural Histories around the country.
Blue Jay:

02 March 2011

Sex and the Country

The curtain has closed on Milan fashion week and the best collection was by far DSquared2.
Their cowboy inspired looks were spectacular enough even for their most famous fans (try: Christina, Justin, Fergie, and Rihanna). They sexify the LL Bean outdoorswoman to perfection. Makes me want to go camping.

See the video footage of DSquared2 and all of Milan, NY and Paris at:

12 January 2011

Ceramic Gore

UK Artist Jessica Harrison creates macabre imagery from damaged ceramic ladies she finds online.
The extravagant poses of the female ceramics makes the exhibition of their insides more interesting.
Jessica says she chooses the women because "It is traditionally and consistently the male figure that has been used to describe the anatomy of the human body. In my sculptures the female insides are as visceral and intestinal and as real and gory as their male counterparts."

Check out more of Jessica Harrison's work at jessicaharrison.co.uk
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