23 July 2010

God and Shopping

Want to get some good deals on knock off fashion? What better a place than Forever 21. And if you're hungry after that stop by In N Out Burger for lunch. BUT ONLY if you hate the Jews.
BOTH those establishments proudly stamp a Bible Verses on their bags or cups. That Bible verse is John 3:16 "For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life." So the Jews will burn.

Religious freaks have hijacked Capitalism. This started with Sierra Trading Post, the online outdoor store. They state: "

Our business ethics must be consistent with the faith of the owners in Jesus Christ and His teachings.


GOD HELP US if this is the state of retail today.

06 July 2010

Happy Birthday Dalai Lama

The Dalai Lamai is 75 years old today!
He celebrated the day in Dharmsala India, his hometown-in-exile since 1959, the year that he fled Chinese rule in Tibet. He enjoyed performances from local dancers in traditional Tibetan dress, and was entertained by artists from the Tibetan Institute of Performing Arts at the Main Tibetan Temple in Mcleod Ganj.
As always wise, he said of his years: “I know my life has not been wasted.” Too true. Best Wishes for many more!
Followers in Tibet were not allowed to celebrate the day and Chinese officials claimed they do not remember his birthday. Screw China.

Must Wear Hair

Politics and fashion can get hairy when you live in an Islamic state. Everyone is aware that the Taliban force Afghans to wear beards and now Iran is going official with its coif choices.
Later this month, the country will parade its Islamic beauty codes in a "Modesty and Veil Festival". No doubt this will promote unprecedented fashion horrors for the oppressed women in their land- I won't get into the veil and burqa part of this because it will only make me tremendously angry. But the country's official hair police will release the only "acceptable" haircuts for the men.

In Iran's definition of "liberal" they no longer require a Taliban-esque beard to symbolize religious obedience and may even allow some hair gel. No long hair is allowed under the Ministry of Guidance's rules.
Please, Middle Eastern States and fanatical Religious leaders, heed this. Give it up.
It is my belief that NO religious book can govern the fashion of people unless, of course, that particular book is the fashion bible called "Vogue".
Digg! My Zimbio