08 December 2009

Alice Does Bergdorf's

Forget Wonderland, Alice chose to spend her Christmas 2009 at Bergdorf Goodman's. The enchanting displays will cause temporary amnesia from all apocalyptic thoughts of the economy. There are sequins and fringe and all out glamour.

Here is 'Alice' in a dazzling dress with a unicorn and lion made of crystal. Look closely at the bottom right corner- there's a silver-plated lobster.
Hedged- manicured horses dance with a hipper "Alice".
Ostriches. Dressed in Tartan. Playing bagpipes. Carrying red Chinese architecture- inspired Bird cages with Cockatoos. Beat that.
Whit and Black Crystal-faced polar bears. Their bodies are made entirely of flapper-dress fringe. The detail is scary in the most beautiful way.
My personal favorite. A squirrel rides his bike into the Wonderland across a Chess board toward the playing card people (hard to see in the photo - sorry it was taken with my cellphone. )
Across the street at Bergdorf Goodman's Mens is an homage to the Fantastic Mr Fox film/ Roald Dahl book. See a slidehow at http://manhattan.about.com/od/citylife1/ig/Bergdorf-Goodman-Xmas-Windows/200911_d7h03874_bergdorf_w15.htm

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