20 August 2014

Plants vs Pollution: the Showdown for Clean Air

For those of us who work in a city, we walk amongst a fog of polluted air that our lungs can barely filter. We breathe, we smell, we travel in a sickly environment created by ourselves. 
Sure, we stopped smoking, but haven't done enough to clean our air. 

We go home, slam the door and feel we are safe. But maybe not as much as we thought. Some parts of our home can be contributing to the pollution problem. To make our homes more eco there are things we can do like, choose paint wisely, make sure there is enough ventilation space surrounding large appliances, and create indoor gardens that can improve air quality, 

The best weapons/plants to use in the war against polluted air in your house are as follows. 

Aloe Vera. It can remove volatile compounds like benzene and formaldehyde from the air and acts as a real air quality indicator. If dark spots appear on its leaves, it’s a signal of high indoor air pollution. 
Plant a peace lily somewhere too, it  has the capability of absorbing mold spores, that it uses as nutrition.
 Keep a snake plant in your bedroom as it releases oxygen at night.
Got allergies? A spider plant cleans allergens from the air.
Whoo! We can breathe a little easier knowing we're doing the tiniest bit to keep our home's air clean... now let's tackle that city pollution. 

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